Natural Market FAQs
Welcome to Natural Market FAQs. On this page you will find frequently asked questions and the answers to these most commonly asked questions.
Q: How do you place an order with us?
Q: What payment types do you accept?
A: We accept cash, all major credit cards and ApplePay.
Q: How is delivery charged?
A:Credit card, in cash or by Mercato online.
Q: How does delivery work?
A:If you purchase items directly from our store then we deliver to you. But Natural market ONLY delivers within Forest hills. If you require delivery and you are outside of the neighborhood, please order online through Mercato. Mercato has their own delivery service.
Q: What if I want to cancel or modify my order?
A: If you ordered directly with us please call us as soon as possible for cancelations or modifications to your order. If you ordered online with Mercato, follow Mercato’s directions.
Q: Can I call to order an item?
A: Yes – Call (718) 268-4477
Q: Do you take phone orders?
A: A: Yes – Call (718) 268-4477